Foundation of the World Trade Display company

Foundation of the World Trade Display company

After his profession of pianist, Riccardo Taccardi shifts his interest towards to the entrepreneurial career. In 1993, the year of “start-up” business, the core business of the company, then known as Worldtrade, primarily focused in the world of information technology dedicated to the consumer. The new digital technologies in the years to follow, have given a strong boost in the different fields of application, but above all they have responded to an increasingly diversified demand for interactive displays; In fact, during the 2000s, the company diverted all its experience in the exclusive area of the displays, following a precise choice made by the current founder and executive manager e fondatore Riccardo Taccardi, la società ha raggiunto una capacità di penetrazione dei mercati più capillare per far diventare poi WTD un player unico del suo genere e contemplare un pubblico commerciale ed industriale più ampio a livello at an international level.

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